The Social Costs of Gambling


Gambling is a popular leisure activity, but it can have major impacts not only on the gambler but also on his or her significant others and society. While many studies have focused on negative gambling effects, few have explored positive impacts of the activity or have used a public health approach. Using health-related quality of life weights (known as disability weights) to measure the intangible social costs of gambling would help researchers and policymakers better understand how this activity affects people’s lives.

A large number of jobs are created by gambling, including casino hosts and hostesses, dealers, software developers and designers, pit bosses, and workers in catering, security and accounting. This increases employment opportunities in the local area and improves economic stability. In addition, gambling generates tax revenues for the government and improves the infrastructure of the community.

Moreover, gambling is an interesting and stimulating activity, especially for those who engage in casino games that require strategy. Playing these games encourages the brain to stay active, and it can help improve cognitive skills. However, it is important to engage in gambling only within one’s means financially and time-wise.

For those who have problems with gambling, there are many organisations that offer support, assistance and counselling. However, only the individual can decide to take action and stop gambling. Talking to a counsellor can be a good way to get an independent perspective on the situation and help with finding other ways of spending time.